Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Manuel L. Quezon on power and women

Setting: May 1939, a meeting with Nacionalista associates
Primary source: "Speech in honor of Floor Leader Quintin Paredes," (typescript) MalacaƱan, May 22, 1939. Manuel L. Quezon manuscripts. National Library, Ermita, Manila.

Here is what the greatest Filipino pimp of all time has to say about power and women:

"To tell the truth gentlemen, I should like to continue being President of the Philippines if I were sure I would live one hundred years. Have you ever known of anyone who has voluntarily renounced power unless it was for a lady that, in his, opinion, was more important than power itself, or because of the threatening attitude of the people? Everybody likes power. It is the greatest urge of human nature--power. I like to exercise power."

Word. haha.